Sunday, 15 May 2011

AIM Photography has gone to the blogs

Wow, I never thought that we would be a company that blogged, but here I am, writing my first one.  What to say... how about a little background about myself and the company to start.

My name is Lauren.  Ever since I was a little girl, I have always had a passion for photography.  My dad bought me my first camera when I was probably 6 or 7... you know, one of those long thing ones that took the funny looking film.  I loved that camera and went through rolls upon rolls of film (too bad they hadn't invented the digital camera at that point, I would have saved my parents a lot of money ;-) I took pictures of everything and every one.

As I grew up, my camera equipment started to get better.  I've had my fair share of point and shoot cameras and even my dad's old Minolta manual camera with a telephoto lens.  That camera really ignited my passion for photography.  I started taking pictures at my rugby games, of scenery and animals.  After quite a few years and new technology came out called the Digital Camera, I was sold! I traded in my dad's Minolta for a Nikon Coolpix and boy, did my world change!

With my new Nikon in hand, my picture taking was limitless (although slightly limited to the size of memory cards that I had at the time).  I don't think there wasn't a day that I wasn't snapping pictures of this or that and I'm pretty sure that where ever I went, that camera was somewhere with me. As I was working full time in an office, my photography took a back seat to the rest of life.

As life always does, it moved forward without my knowledge. My husband and I found out we were expecting our lovely daughter, and decided that we needed a better camera than the dated Coolpix.  So, I received the best Nikon point and shoot/SLR crossover that Nikon made at the time (it's so hard to keep up with the latest when they come out with new products all the time). I was so excited, as this new camera had features that my old Minolta had.  The possibilities were once again endless.

My daughter came along and we decided that it would be to her benefit to have her mommy at home full time, instead of going back to work and putting her in daycare... and AIM Photography was born.  Titled after my daughter, Addison Isabella Mallard, we created AIM Photography as a way for me to be able to do something that I love.  Well, starting a photography company meant, yep, you probably guessed it, buying a new camera. I got, once again, at the time, the best Nikon DSLR that they had.  Oh how excited I was the day that we brought it home from the store and was trying it out.  It was a lot different but still very much the same as the old Minolta. With a book of words that was as thick as some of my novels, I decided that they best way to learn to use the camera was to just go out and start shooting.  And that's exactly what I did.

AIM Photography was created to be a reasonably priced photography company that specializes in pretty much every type of photography you can think of.  I didn't want to be limited by a title, just strictly Maternity or Family, etc.  I like the idea of being able to do anything that I set my mind to or am asked to do.  I am always available for my clients, either by phone or email and am always willing to do what I can in order for them to be happy.  I don't want anyone to feel ripped off or unsatisfied with the end result.  During a typical photo shoot, I generally fill a 4 or 8 GB memory card with images, in order to give the greatest amount of proofs possible. We recently moved into a house that now allows me to set up my studio at home, so that we no longer need to go to clients, but they can also come to us.  We can do on-location or studio shoots and a proof CD is always included in our photo shoot.

Well, I think that's us in a nutshell.  If there is anything I missed or if anyone has questions, please feel free to contact me through the blog, facebook, email or our website.


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